Granny like cheese?
Loba is a cairn terrier I rescued from a charity in the Canary Islands. We sailed together from Gran Canaria to madeira and then to mainland Europe. In Gibraltar I expected complications with her going ashore because Gibraltar is UK territory and the UK has very strict anti rabies rules. If a pet is being newly imported it had to wait 6 months for the rabies vaccination to take effect (This rule has recently been relaxed to three months). In Gibraltar the immigration authority was not interested in my dog, just waved a hand at her and said, "It's fine, no problem".
Loba eventually came into Britain and we live here on a boat still.
Here's a short video I made of one of those funny little moments with your dog.
The story of how I got Loba and our travels together is in the book: The Voyage of Storm Petrel. Gambia and Europe Alone in a Boat. Clarissa Vincent. Available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.